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SAT Test Cancellations: What You Need to Know

This week College Board announced that it would cancel the June 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Tests, adding this cancellation to a growing list of dates, including the May SAT and some of the March SAT alternate days, that have been removed from the testing schedule due to covid-19.

For rising seniors hoping to take the exam during their spring semester of junior year, or for anyone really who had hoped to tackle the SAT before the next school year, there seems to be little hope when it comes to locking down a testing date.

However, a silver lining has emerged.

What are College Board’s plans after cancelling the May and June 2020 SAT Dates?

Even as those tests have been removed, College Board aims to ramp up its testing capabilities in the fall, which means including a unique September test date and potentially converting the onsite testing into an online format, similar to how it has changed AP testing this year (though the standard format of the SAT will most likely remain the same for any online version of the test).

Also, students who registered for the cancelled SAT tests or will be seniors in the fall and have never taken the SAT will be given priority access to these tests.

What should you do in preparation for these fall SAT test dates?

Now that College Board is focusing its efforts on ensuring SAT exams will be functional in whatever format is necessary in the fall, you should be turning your attention to preparing for the August SAT and potentially any of the other fall test dates (College Board plans to offer at least one SAT for every month for the remainder of 2020, starting in August).

In other words, now more than ever before summer is incredibly important for preparing for the SAT. For those who had planned on taking the May or June SAT, you unfortunately can’t rest on your knowledge and previous practice and waltz into the testing room in August and expect satisfactory results. Trust us, we wish it were that easy! The specific style of the test means that cramming is still necessary, especially for the Reading section.

Since your options for extracurriculars will most likely be limited over the summer, it makes sense to focus on academics this summer (as I was saying last week), and of all your options for upcoming SAT exams, the August test date makes the most sense--your studying and practice will be fresh in your head, and you won’t have the new school year competing for your attention (too much).

Now is the time to start planning on summer studies!

B2A is currently registering for summer SAT intensive prep courses, which will be conducted online (until it is safe to hold classes in person)! Our SAT classes include weekly lessons, practice problems, and proctored diagnostic tests. And teachers will be present and teaching throughout the class time! Check out our summer schedule and set up a free consultation to see which programs and SAT dates are right for you!

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