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Welcome Back!

The school year has started and here at B2A we want to welcome everyone back! Good luck to you and we hope that you have another year full of accomplishments. We just want to remind students about some things as we head into the fall semester (and beyond)!

1) The ACT Essay has changed.

In case you were living under a rock, or maybe enjoying yourself while on vacation, the ACT has changed its essay writing section. You will be required to write an essay that addresses a prompt based on a contemporary issue. You still need to have one well-defined thesis that argues a side, but you also need to analyze and evaluate three perspectives that are provided with the prompt. Also, the essay score has four domains that are each scored 2-12, which are used to make a 1-36 score. Don’t be caught off guard!

2) The PSAT will be based on the New SAT format.

Starting this fall, the PSAT will follow the format and content of the New SAT. That means that reading passages will focus on command of evidence more than before. Also, you will need to know how to read graphical information. For writing, be familiar with editing grammar and sentences within the context of a passage. Math will have calculator-permitted and no-calculator sections, focusing more on algebra and real-world math and less on geometry.

3) The New SAT format will go into effect starting March 2016.

This affects students differently. You may still have a chance to take the old format, if you decide on the SAT in October, November, December, or January. If you are a sophomore or freshman, go ahead and plan on taking the New SAT.

4) Academic Rankings of World Universities came out recently. Guess which university is #1?

Yes! It's Harvard.

We look forward to seeing you all during the fall semester and the rest of the year. Also, high school seniors should check out our college admissions services to help make the application process go much smoother. We provide comprehensive help and also assistance on individual parts. Let’s have another great year!

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