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As Summer Ends, Your Studies Continue

Ryan Murphy

Today marks the final day of summer test prep classes here at B2A, but that does not mean that your studies should end. Yes, just as you start to focus on your summer assignments and get back into the swing of things at school, you should remember to continue studying for upcoming ACT and SAT exams.

Here are a few pointers on how to keep up with test preparation during the fall semester:

1) Take at least one practice test a week in a test-taking environment.

This is the bare minimum requirement for maintaining your scores from summer and even possibly improving from where you left off. Do not skip this important step!

2) For each subject, do one practice section a day or every other day.

Ideally, you will continue to at least practice, if not seek the help of a tutor or take additional classes, as much as possible. In a perfect world, you can fit in time for SAT/ACT on top of your school work, but, yes, that is probably not likely. So come up with a schedule to practice on a regular basis during the week.

3) Write an essay within 25 minutes at least once a week.

Do not stop writing essays and practicing the format. The SAT essay can either make or break your writing score. Also, practice looking at prompts and using the same set of examples for different questions. Choose 4-5 that work best.

We are proud of our students and have really appreciated their hard work during the summer. Coming to class each day and guiding you has been a real treat. Please don’t let your progress go to waste by forgetting the lessons of summer or stopping your practice. It is really important to maintain this motivation from summer into the fall, or else your scores will decrease and you’ll have to take more test prep courses.

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