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7 Quick College Admission Interview Tips

1. First of all, just relax and talk to the interviewer as you would talk to an adult who is close to you. Let the conversation flow but don't ramble.

2. In general, you want to appear energetic, positive, passionate, confident, and genuine!

3. Research the college thoroughly and review your application and essays before the interview. Bring a copy of your resume, application, and essays to the interview just in case.

4. Plan your responses to some commonly asked questions like "why this school" and "why this major".

5. Dress business casual (Google it!).

6. Arrive there early and be acquainted with your surroundings. Don’t be late and don’t show up with your parents, either! :)

7. Don't forget to maintain good eye contact and start and finish with a firm handshake and a "thank you".

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