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Your Three-Week SAT Prep Plan for the March 10 Exam

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Three weeks from today, College Board will administer its first official SAT of 2018. For students who plan on taking the test, now is a great time to determine how you will prepare.

One of the most important considerations is how to structure your time. Most students take advanced classes and juggle extracurriculars, so adding even an extra hour of practice a few days a week can be tricky.

Just remember that it is better to practice frequently in short bursts than it is to practice once or twice for several hours. So don’t reserve the next three Sunday afternoons as “SAT Time.” You have to continuously practice so that you can get increasingly familiar with the content and style of the exam. You could always go the “SAT Time” route, but it won’t yield the same success.

Overall, how should you manage your time?

You should try to set aside 30 minutes each weekday for the SAT. On the weekend, when you presumably have more time, you should take a full SAT practice test in conditions that are similar to the ones on the official test day. Don’t fill out the practice exam while riding in the car on the way to grandma’s house. Sit in a quiet place, time yourself, and don’t cheat (i.e., tell yourself that you will do better on the actual test).

Here's a daily schedule of how to prep for your SAT:

SAT Study Schedule for Week 1 of 3

SUNDAY, Feb. 18: Take a full SAT practice test to measure your strengths and weaknesses before preparation.

MONDAY, Feb. 19: Complete 1 Critical Reading passage (13 minutes) and 1 Writing passage (9 minutes).

TUESDAY, Feb. 20: Complete 1 Math (No Calculator) section (25 minutes).

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 21: Complete 1 Critical Reading passage (13 minutes) and 1 Writing passage (9 minutes).

THURSDAY, Feb. 22: Complete half of 1 Math (Calculator) section (28 minutes).

FRIDAY, Feb. 23: Complete 1 Critical Reading passage (13 minutes) and 1 Writing passage (9 minutes).

SATURDAY, Feb. 24: Take a full SAT practice test, including the essay (3 hours, 50 minutes).

SAT Study Schedule for Week 2 of 3

SUNDAY, Feb. 25: OFF DAY (you may switch with Saturday).

MONDAY, Feb. 26: Complete half of 1 Math (Calculator) section (28 minutes).

TUESDAY, Feb. 27: Complete 1 Critical Reading passage (13 minutes) and 1 Writing passage (9 minutes).

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 28: Complete 1 Math (No Calculator) section (25 minutes).

THURSDAY, March 1: Complete 1 Critical Reading passage (13 minutes) and 1 Writing passage (9 minutes).

FRIDAY, March 2: Complete half of 1 Math (Calculator) section (28 minutes).

SATURDAY, March 3: Take a full SAT practice test, including the essay (3 hours, 50 minutes).

SAT Study Schedule for Week 3 of 3

SUNDAY, March 4: OFF DAY (you may switch with Saturday).

MONDAY, March 5: Complete 1 Critical Reading passage (13 minutes) and 1 Writing passage (9 minutes).

TUESDAY, March 6: Complete half of 1 Math (Calculator) section (28 minutes).

WEDNESDAY, March 7: Complete 1 Critical Reading passage (13 minutes) and 1 Writing passage (9 minutes).

THURSDAY, March 8: Complete 1 Math (No Calculator) section (25 minutes).

FRIDAY, March 9: Briefly review strategies and any concepts (do not overexert).

SATURDAY, March 10: Take the official SAT exam.

It may look like a lot, but this really is the bare minimum you should be preparing to ensure that you do well on the SAT.

Of course, you don’t have to study on your own. There are plenty of resources at B2A that can help you determine your target score and help you achieve it. Consider our 1:1 or group tutoring services, for example. With someone monitoring your study habits and checking in on your progress, you can get the extra motivation to make the most of your SAT experience!


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