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College Admissions News Roundup 11/5 - 11/12

Today is the the November test date for the SAT, and while this is often a momentous occasion for high schoolers around the country, there have been many other exciting events going on in the college admissions world. Here is a handful of topics for this week:

1. Some students are adding LinkedIn profiles to their college admissions applications as a way to show their professionalism and give them an edge with competitive schools.

2. U.S. News has released a list of colleges where students have the highest SAT scores. You’ll be surprised to see what is #1. (It’s not what you think!)

3. The vice president and dean of admissions at Reed College provided some key insights in a Reddit AMA about college admissions essays. His two main points are things we’ve been telling you all along!

4. A former Harvard admissions interviewer has revealed which questions she always asks students.

5. College Board has found that students continue to pay more for college than ever before.

While there are many things happening in the college admissions world, the key is that you maintain focus on your own current events. That may mean studying for an upcoming entrance exam, maintaining a good GPA, or polishing college admissions essays. Whatever the case may be, consider letting B2A help you navigate the complex world of test-prep and college admissions with our many unique services!

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