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Naira Ikram
College Admissions Counselor
English/Language Arts Instructor
Math/Science Instructor
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Duke University (B.S. Psychoneuroimmunology)


Counseling Experience:

At Westlake High School in Austin, Naira has tutored in multiple subjects, from AP World
History to AP Calculus BC. As a Robertson Scholar at Duke University (a full-ride merit
scholarship that connects Duke and UNC undergraduate experiences), she is experienced in the
specialized, merit scholarship application process. She applied to BS/MD programs as well and
is currently applying to medical school to matriculate in the fall of 2022. Her own experiences
with the college application process in addition to designing her own degree plan have taught her
how to write convincing personal statements. Naira also enjoys writing and is excited to help
students craft their narrative for colleges to learn about. She took a few hours of individualized
SAT tutoring from B2A, so she is super excited to gain an interesting perspective as an instructor
on the other side.


Counseling Philosophy:

"I want to understand the motivators and backstories of each student, tailoring my advice to
encompass their genuine narratives and passions. The fact that my research and advocacy at
Duke relate to stress management means that I want to make the college application process low
stress for students and even fun. I want to not only be a counselor but also a source of comfort
and reassurance during this time."


Teaching Experience:

Naira has been teaching since she was in high school. She also taught for nine weeks at a
summer literacy enrichment program called Freedom School the summer after her freshman year
in a rural North Carolina town. There, she created lesson plans, understanding how to integrate
stress management into the curriculum and develop personalized learning and rewarding systems
for each of her twelve K-2nd graders. Also while at Duke, she’s been a tutor at World Relief
Durham, helping refugee children practice English. She’s tutored in a few pre-med classes as

well. In the upcoming fall, she created her own half-credit class for undergraduate titled, “The
Epidemiology and Management of Stress.”

Interesting Fact:

Naira loved to paper-quill and has completed commissions for local businesses in addition to family, friends, and professors. She was almost a contestant on Chopped: Junior, too.

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